Indigenous Literacy Day is more than a day. You can celebrate First Nations stories, cultures and languages everyday.
It's not too late to watch the free FILM and LIVESTREAM event where you will be taken on an exciting journey into three First Nations Communities across Australia.
We’re visiting Cunnamulla in Queensland, Vincentia in New South Wales and the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory. We’ll be sharing stories, cultures and languages in a day featuring many Proud Voices.
Do you know what a Moondagutta is? Ever heard of Booglies? Register now and find out!
This year, we’re celebrating the theme ‘Be A Proud Voice for Country’. We’ll be sharing some of the deep and diverse ways children, Elders and families connect with Country; and the significance of Country in Aboriginal Communities.
You’ll learn about Dreaming stories from the riverbank in Cunnamulla; join teenagers as they explore culture through poetry and art in Vincentia; and hear incredible stories and songs from children and Elders on the Tiwi Islands.
In collaboration with the Communities we work with, the Indigenous Literacy Foundation has produced a FILM and a LIVESTREAM event.
15 minute FILM ‑ takes viewers into three Aboriginal Communities to learn about their unique stories, languages and cultures; and this year explores the significance of Country through many Proud Voices.
45 minute LIVESTREAM ‑ this live event follows our FILM and takes place at Sydney Opera House, hosted by ILF Ambassadors. It’s a celebration of music, dance, art, language and storytelling.
This is an action‑packed, joyful showcase; sharing stories, cultures and languages. It's an engaging and thought‑provoking adventure for early learners, primary students and adults.
To watch the FILM and LIVESTREAM you will need to register. Register here.
Once registered, you will be sent a link that will become available to watch at anytime.
We are proud to launch these three beautiful books on ILD.
ngayawanj bagan‑nggul, ngayawanj barra barra‑nggul ‑ We belong to the land, We belong to the sea ‑ a heartfelt poetry collection from students at Vincentia High School, written with Kirli Saunders and Jaz Corr.
Indigenous Literacy Day is proudly produced and presented by the Indigenous Literacy Foundation in collaboration with the Sydney Opera House.
It’s an annual celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Stories, Cultures, and Languages.
Indigenous Literacy Day is held on the first Wednesday of September ‑ this year Wednesday 4 September. We’re sharing the diversity of First Nations languages and cultures with audiences across Australia.
We are so grateful for the support from ARA Group who are sponsors of our Indigenous Literacy Day celebrations on Wednesday 4 September.
If you are a school, bookseller, publisher, library, business, organisation or individual, you can also contribute and celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day every year by: