Thoughout May and June 2010, Deb Dank and Maddy Bowers from the Fred Hollows Association trekked out to Warburton and around the Kimberleys, building rapport with the communities, and presenting the Book Buzz concept.
In Warburton, they delivered the book buzz books to the Creche, meeting some of the mothers, children and Creche workers, who were all excited and supportive of the project. The Creche provides a supportive and stimulating environment for both mothers and babies/toddlers. There, the mothers are learning to read in both English and language through weekly workshops. Some of the elders in the community helped Deb and Maddie to sticker some of the board books, to be handed out at the Book Buzz launch, with the local language translations. Deb said they were delighted to see books in their own language.
In Wyndham in the Kimberleys, Deb and Maddy were able to supply books for a number of locations including the Womens Shelter, High School Library, Rehab Centre, TAFE and Resource Centre. They also spoke with the local high school and St Joseph’s, where writing workshops are planned for the upcoming trip with members of the book industry.
At Fitzroy Crossing, Junjuwa Women’s House has identified the need to learn sign language (to address the needs of deaf members of the community) as an ILP Community Identified Project. They are also planning to develop literacy skills in several contexts. On this trip Deb and Maddy had brought cook books for the Junjuwa Women’s House, and some ILP shirts and sample books.