Think Literacy This NAIDOC Week

Think Literacy This NAIDOC Week

" Being able to write about my every day life has helped me to articulate what it means to be an Aboriginal woman today in contemporary Australian society." Dr Anita Heiss

This NAIDOC Week we're celebrating indigenous writing, including the work of our ambassadors Dr Anita Heiss, Sally Morgan, Samuel Wagan-Watson and Tara June Winch.

NAIDOC Week 2013 focusses on the Yirrkala Bark Petitions. These were the first Indigenous documents officially recognised by the Australian government and literacy was key in this huge step towards Aboriginal land rights.

We encourage everyone to take part in the celebrations, the NAIDOC website has a list of events in your area. One remote school has decided to use ILF packs of books during NAIDOC Week. St Patrick’s School, Brewarrina, will celebrate the week by gifting the books. The Principal, Renee Matheson explains, “We are handing each child a book during our NAIDOC celebrations”. It’s a great idea and fantastic opportunity for children and families to engage in sharing the joy of reading.

Top: NAIDOC flag at event, Above: the raising the flag ceremony at Redfern Community Centre (c) Tina Raye

  • Posted 08 July, 2013

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