Reading Opens Doors Library

Introducing the 2024 Reading Opens Doors Library! 

The library is designed to inspire corporate Australia to read and learn more about First Nations languages and culture. 

This year's library collection features 18 exciting new titles (see list below) from some of Australia's most celebrated Indigenous authors, including Bruce Pascoe (Young Dark Emu: A Truer History), Ash Barty (My Dream Time) and Nardi Simpson (Song of the Crocodile). The collection also includes a selection of children's picture books and young adult titles. The library is presented in a beautifully designed, mobile shelf for display in board or staff rooms. 

See below for testimonials.

Why have a library at your place of work? 

The aim of the library is to encourage corporate Australia to self educate and engage in First Nations peoples’ challenges and triumphs and create opportunities to start conversations in your workplace. It may also fulfil some of the actions in an organisation’s Reconciliation Action Plan. 

Contributing author and ILF ambassador, Kim Scott says, “the Reading Opens Doors Library means you can enter and be embraced by stories that tell the traumas and triumphs of this continent’s First Peoples, today.” 


The titles available in library are:

1. Freedom Day ‑ Vincent Lingiari and the story of the wave hill walk‑off ‑ Rosie Smiler, Thomas Mayor and Samantha Campbell

2. Charlie’s Swim ‑ Edith Wrght and Charmain Leaden‑Lewis

3. Storm Warning ‑ Lauren Boyle and Alyssa Mason

4. Young Dark Emu: A Truer History ‑ Bruce Pascoe

5. Winthali ‑ Joe Willigan Ross and Stacey Bush

6. Jarrampa ‑ Marshia Cookku 

7. The Little Red Yellow Black Book: An introduction to Indigenous Australia 

8. Koori Princess ‑ Anita Heiss

9. My Dream Time ‑ Ash Barty ‑ ABIA Award Winner for Biography Book of the Year.

10. Song of the Crocodile ‑ Nardi Simpson

11. Wylah The Koorie Warrior ‑ Jordan Gould and Richard Pritchard

12. Songlines The Power and Promise ‑ Margo Neale and Lynne Kelly

13. Flock First Nations Stories Then and Now ‑ Edited by Ellen van Neerven

14. We Come With This Place ‑ Debra Dank ‑  winner of major book of the year at the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards, winner of the Indigenous Writers’ Prize, the prize for non‑fiction and the award for new writing. 

15. The Upwelling ‑ Lystra Rose

16. Murli la ‑ Ngarukuruwala Women’s Group 

17. Uncle Xbox ‑ Jared Thomas

18. Drop Bear ‑ Evelyn Araluen


“What I most love about the library is that it has such a large age range. From the picture books up to adult literature. I love the fact that there is so much diversity there in age and interest in different stories, the topics are very varied.” Mark Atkins - Intraversed

“A big part of our RAP is to showcase Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples in different ways, and one of those ways is to show some amazing artists, writers and creatives and some of their work. Supporting people by buying their work is very important to us. It is not just about education, but also seeing that there are artists out there who you might not know about.” Rebecca Moulynox - UKG

“The books are a topic of conversation around the office, and readers loved the variety. The books targeted different age groups, and some took them home to share with their children. Lánluas was happy to take part in the trial – a success!” - Keri Vicini - Lánluas Consulting

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