Quentin Bryce launches Great Book Swap in Brisbane

Quentin Bryce launches Great Book Swap in Brisbane

Last Tuesday 21 March was the Brisbane launch of the 2017 Great Book Swap, launched by our Patron, Quentin Bryce from the Queensland Premier’s Office, who also launched the Early Childhood Australia’s (ECA) Under Eight Weeks program. Both are events designed to support and promote childhood learning.  

It was a great launch to celebrate the opening of registrations for the Great Book Swap to schools, libraries, businesses, organisations and community groups all across Australia. As well as launching the ECA’s Under Eight Weeks events, which promote the importance of early childhood experiences and learning through play.

Quentin Bryce said “Through these two events, we see the future generations valued and supported.”

The launch was also a fantastic way to celebrate the importance of early literacy and our commitment to addressing the Indigenous literacy gap in remote Australia.  

Our Founder, Suzy Wilson, spoke about the importance of early literacy in Indigenous communities and the important work of our foundation.

And Quentin Bryce treated the audience to a reading from the wonderful picture book, No Way Yirrikipayi, a story that came out of ILF writing workshops on the Tiwi Islands with Alison Lester in 2015.

According to Quentin Bryce, “We know that literacy is the key to choice, to income security, to developing potential – and it is the key to an enriching and rewarding life. That is why the work of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation is so important”.

It is through fantastic fundraising events such as the Great Book Swap that the Foundation is able to continue this work and create positive and sustainable change. The support of our schools, libraries and education partners is invaluable, helping us publish books written and illustrated by community and to deliver thousands of free and culturally appropriate books to more than 250 remote Indigenous communities across Australia. The impact of books that celebrate Indigenous culture on the lives of children in remote communities is priceless.

We are excited to see the 2017 Great Book Swap not only raise much-needed funds but also spread the joy of books and reading in schools, libraries, work places and communities all across Australia.

We are excited to see individuals and groups all across Australia in schools, libraries, work places and communities, young and old, students and elders, come together to celebrate reading and literacy through the 2017 Great Book Swap.

Register here for Great Book Swap. 

  • Posted 30 March, 2017

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