Nginingawila Ngirramini – Tiwi language – for 'Our Story' - a special book which was written and published in five days, was launched today at Hachette Australia. The book was made possible by a donation from the Norman Family Bequest in honour of Matt Richell. Written by nine talented young teenage girls from the Tiwi Islands, the book is a real celebration and window into their lives, heroes, sacred places and their happiest memories.
Nginingawila Ngirramini – Our Story – was developed as part of ILF's Create Initiative, a literacy based workshop program that aims to improve literacy skills of young Indigenous girls still at school. The workshop was conducted in partnership with Hachette Australia and was run by lifetime ambassador, Dr Anita Heiss, together with author Pamela Freeman.
"Whether writing about their Elders, family, music or sporting legends as their heroes, these young authors have demonstrated respect and gratitude for those who have impacted most on their lives through work and leadership.
Stories of sacred places highlight the connection and appreciation of their country as well as enticing readers to visit the stunning Tiwi Islands north of Darwin," says Dr Anita Heiss in the introduction to the book.
During their week-long writing workshop in Sydney, the girls met another ILF ambassador,Jessica Mauboy, visited Google Australia, had a cultural tour of Barangaroo Point Reserve, and shared stories with a number of classes at Rozelle Public School who had raised over $3000 to support the work of our Foundation.
For further information on the book contact Hachette Australia.