Literacy provides children with future choice. Choice around jobs, wellbeing and health. Our End of Year Financial Appeal is aiming to make a positive difference where it is needed the most:
Whilst we are proud of the small steps and positive impact our programs have had to date, we are particularly keen this year to expand our reach to many more communities and to focus our resources on our early literacy program Book Buzz.
We want to share a story from the community of Yirrkala, in East Arnhem Land. Known for its leading artists and home to the 1980s rock band Yothu Yindi, the school at Yirrkala has been receiving books from our Foundation since 2008.
The 180 students (4-19 years) come from 20 different homelands in the region. Fifteen clan languages are spoken by kids attending Yirrkala School, with Dhuwaya being the main one.
Many of our books are used in the Families as First Teachers (FAFT) centre that the school operates (see image below). They are borrowed by the children through class libraries. Others are gifted to families, as very few have books in the home. And many are simply enjoyed and read in class.
“I’ve heard reports from grandparents, some of the kids go home and stand in front of a mirror and mimic their teacher reading to the class, copying their intonation! The parents love to see their children coming home with a new book in their hands and having the responsibility of reading and showing the rest of the family what they have learnt,” says Tania.
The parents definitely want to see their children progress. "They have a deep sense of appreciation of learning and seeing their kids sitting down reading a book really gives them hope,” says Tania.
Please donate today as part of our End of Financial Year Appeal and help us to make a difference.