Updating literacy resources in schools

Updating literacy resources in schools

“The books are crucial to our library functioning and the opportunity for students and staff to access fabulous resources"


About 400 students attend Halls Creek District High School in the East Kimberley region of WA. The school caters for children from Kindergarten to Year 12, and also has a pre-school program for 3- to 5-year-olds.

Since 2008, the school library has been receiving books from our Foundation’s Book Supply Program. Many of the previous books were so outdated that some still had old-fashioned library cards in the back!

“We do have a large selection but it’s always refreshing to see modern, new books on the shelves,” says Erica Hamer, the Library Officer at the school. “Overall, the selection of titles we receive is brilliant.”

The majority of the books from ILF go straight into the school’s library system “so that all students have a chance to access them”. A few are put aside to be used as prizes in the school’s end-of-year awards.

Recently, the library staff have set up a special section of the school library for the pre-schoolers and Kindy kids. The board books from the Books 4 Toddlers packs have been set out on shelves at a low height so they are easily accessible and the kids don’t have to stand on tiptoe to reach them.

“Now they tend to head to that area straightaway,” explains Erica. “And some are beginning to recognise a word or two.”

Other classes visit the library regularly with their teachers, taking the books they borrow back to their classrooms to read. Many of the children have poor literacy skills so there’s a real focus at Halls Creek on the teachers helping the children develop their reading and writing.

“The books are crucial to our library functioning and the opportunity for students and staff to access fabulous resources … Many of the titles are on loan constantly.” 

  • Posted 01 May, 2018

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