Make your bookstore an ILF Member in the year of Indigenous languages

Make your bookstore an ILF Member in the year of Indigenous languages

UNESCO has proclaimed 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages. This year also marks our ninth birthday since Suzy Wilson of Riverbend Books established our Foundation. In this time, we have published books that represent up to 18 Aboriginal languages. From Walmajarri in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, to Arabana in South Australia, to Kriol in the Katherine region of the Northern Territory. 

It’s the perfect time to support us and celebrate First Nations languages in your store. Sign up your bookshop as an ILF Member and we’ll provide you with a heap of fabulous in store visual marketing material to show your support for Indigenous literacy, languages and books; and acknowledge your commitment with your customers. 

A little support goes a long way... What will you raise this year for literacy in remote Australia? 

"ILF needs, and deserves, the broadest possible support. But it also depends crucially on the Book Industry out of which it sprung, and on the authors, publishers, and booksellers who have supported it so strongly. Ours is the industry which makes its living out of the literacy of others, and there is no better way to repay that support than by helping those whose literacy needs are the greatest." - David Gaunt, Co-owner of Gleebooks (NSW). 

  • Posted 20 June, 2019

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