At Goodna State School in Ipswich, Queensland members of the Student Council decided to organise their first-ever Great Book Swap along the lines of a book store.
“They ran it like a shop,” says Digital Technologies teacher Jay Page of the mostly Grade 5 students. “Some of them were at the ‘register’ and there were also ‘sales staff’ advising ‘customers’ as to their choice of book.”
The students decided that each book would be “sold” for just a $1 so they’d be affordable for everyone at the school. Getting books into the hands of as many children as possible was paramount. And, mindful that not all kids have many books at home, they were as keen to ensure books went into the homes of their classroom peers as much as into the homes of Indigenous youngsters living in remote Indigenous communities.
“Our students and families felt pride in fundraising for Indigenous communities. [They] learned the impact of sending money to allow books to be purchased … rather than posting [second hand] books,” says Jay. “And they loved supporting other Australian kids.”
The 14 young people on the Student Council are as focused on giving back to their school community as they are to the greater one. Having heard about the work ILF does, they thought through some of the underlying social and ethical issues of how best to support people in need, and were highly engaged in the planning and execution of their fundraising event.
The Goodna State School book store was a wonderful success! On the day the shop was open, 80% of students in the school bought a book.
“Some of them really like to solve problems,” says Jay proudly of the student organisers of the fundraiser for our Foundation. “And they have big hearts too.”
Sign up for our Great Book Swap here.