Indigenous Literacy Day that was

Indigenous Literacy Day that was

On Wednesday this week, 7 September, it was Indigenous Literacy Day, our major fundraising event for the year. An absolutely incredible morning at the Sydney Opera House saw celebrations with ILF friends, ambassadors, partners, supporters and students from 19 schools. Our special guests had travelled two days and 3,000 kilometres from Tjuntjuntjara Remote Community School, Mt Margaret and Menzies in WA to launch the book they wrote at an ILF Spinifex Writing Camp with Ann James and Sally Morgan. It was an event to remember, full of music, reading and celebration! With Natalie Ahmat from NITV as MC, our Patron, Quentin Bryce opened the event with some wise words. Ambassador William Barton played didgeridoo, and our ambassadors Josh Pyke and Justine Clarke sang their new song, Words Make the World Go Around (already #1 on itunes) with Gawura students from St Andrew's Cathedral School. Seven brave students from the WA remote communities read their stories featured in The Goanna was Hungry in front of 400 guests and ambassador Deborah Cheetham led the Pecan Summer Children's Choir, who perform in Australia's first Aboriginal Opera this coming Monday. Lifetime ambassador Andy Griffiths does what he does best – made the kids laugh – and led our Great Book Swap.

Thank you to all that came and supported this important day and a big shout out to the wonderful volunteers that made it all happen. HAPPY INDIGENOUS LITERACY DAY EVERYONE!

Image credit: Prudence Upton Photography



  • Posted 09 September, 2016

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