How sport & literacy work together in remote Australia

How sport & literacy work together in remote Australia

SHOCK 'EM – a new book written by eight young Indigenous players from the Big River Hawks team in Katherine – is a great new story that celebrates literacy and sport.

Launched at the Hawthorn Football Club on Saturday 23 July by Luke Hodge, the book captures the love of AFL, identity and culture and was written by the boys in a three day writing shop led by ILF lifetime ambassador Anita Heiss and Sandra Phillips. It was then designed, edited and published in less than four weeks – an all time record!   

"As football players the Big River Hawks are impressive. As writers they are deadly!" Anita Heiss said.

Heiss worked to bring together the Hawthorn Football Club's Indigenous Program, the Epic Good Foundation and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation to see how to harness the boys' love of sport together with building important literacy skills.

"Literacy skills are for life and the ability to tell and write your story, who you are and what's important to you, is incredibly important," Karen Williams, Executive Director of the ILF said.

SHOCK 'EM will be available for purchase here from Monday 25 July at $19.99






  • Posted 22 July, 2016

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