We had the most exciting and joyful day at the Warburton Playgroup (WA) today for the much anticipated community celebration of Book Buzz, our early literacy project. Buzz aims to put quality board books into the hands of mums, babies and toddlers in the remotest communities across Australia.
Children and families of the playgroup as well as the kindergarten class of the local school received a Buzz pack from our Foundation. This included popular titles such as Dear Zoo, Where’s Spot? and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, all of which were translated into the local Ngaanyatjarra language.
The children and mothers have grown to love and enjoy these books, as they have shared them together regularly at playgroup. The celebration showcased how the culture of literacy is developing and growing with the introduction of Buzz and the fantastic work of Anne Shinkfield and her assistant Lana.
15 different families including 19 children participated in the celebrations. Certainly the highlight of our trip!
Program Manager